Index of Burials: D, E

Densman, V. I.10/26/18887/16/08A-62Wife of C. S. Densman | “She was a kind and affectionate wife, a fond mother, and friend to all”
Desaulniers, Jerry G.9/26/293/9/87C-9Tec 5 US Army
Dick, Lera Tally04/15/18819/28/74A-70Wife of J. M. Dick, Daughter of Frederick H. & Nancy Jane Hemphill Tally
Dixon, Clarence O.19011968E-29"Father"
Dixon, Ivy SIMS10/14/055/13/70E-30"Mother"
Dixon, Terry A.7/28/451991E-54"Son"
Doherty, Deulah May2/28/0511/21/06B-22 
Doherty, Fay Clifford1/8/0712/17/08B-21 “Gone but not forgotten”
Doherty, J. H.02/12/184301/05/1888C-7 “In memory of our father”
Doherty, Julia Lee1/20/191/30/20B-20 “Darling, We Miss Thee”
Duran, Almeda Sorrells10/05/18592/22/37B-54Wife of David C. Duran
Duran, Charlie Thomas11/19/187903/02/1880B-45Son of James M. & Elizabeth Chambliss Duran | "It was an angel that visited green earth & took the flower away"
Duran, David C.10/16/18577/22/13B-53Son of James M. & Elizabeth Chambliss Duran; Husband of Almeda Sorrells Duran
Duran, Elizabeth09/02/18318/5/03B-43Wife of James M. Duran; Born in North Carolina | “Rest Mother, rest in quiet sleep | While friends in sorrow o’er thee weep”
Duran, J. W. R.06/27/18541/13/02B-44Son of James M. & Elizabeth Chambliss Duran | “He died as he lived, a Christian”
Duran, James M.09/03/18319/5/15B-42Blacksmith 4 Ala Cav CSA; Husband of Elizabeth Duran
E., M. E.07/1895 B-64"M. E. E."; Foot marker only
Elder, A. M.7/22/278/5/92C-15USA Korea Pfc US Army
Eppler, George A.11/24/187310/24/1874B-61Son of H. G. & E. L. Eppler
Eppler, Guildford07/02/187306/12/1881B-58Son of J. G. & R. E. Eppler | “This first offspring of the parents love | We trust has safely winged his flight above | To him who said forbid them not | To come to me for such my love”
Eppler, Minerva Elizabeth12/11/187710/03/1878B-62Daughter of H. G. & E. L. Eppler
Eppler, Robert M.02/09/187709/01/1878 B-59Son of J. G. & R. E. Eppler | “Earth counts a mortal less | Heaven an angel more”
Eppler, William Marcus04/27/188004/18/1881B-60Son of J. G. & R. E. Eppler | “The Lord gave and the Lord taketh away, | Blessed be the name of the Lord”