We declare and establish this Constitution to preserve and secure the OLD RED ROCK CEMETERY and to govern the members of the Association in an orderly manner.  This Constitution will preserve the liberties of each individual association member and the freedom of action of this Association in its relation to other cemetery associations.

1.  NAME

This Association shall be known as the OLD RED ROCK CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, INC.


To ensure the beautification and dignity of the final resting place for loved ones in the Old Red Rock Cemetery, located one mile west of Red Rock on FM 812 then three tenths (3/10) of a mile south at 156 Wilson Road, Red Rock, TX 78662 in Bastrop County, Texas.

As a group, to encourage and enlist involvement from the community to assist in the growth and strength of membership.

To maintain a record of all persons buried in this cemetery and to assign all of the plots to future qualified requests.



The membership of this Association retains unto itself the exclusive right of self- government in all phases of the life of the Association.  The membership reserves the exclusive right to determine who shall be members of the Association and conditions of such membership.


Any adult person may offer themselves as a member of this Association, provided they meet the following requirements:

a.         A statement is made that their purpose to request membership is to reach the objectives as stated in the Constitution.

b.         Must show a willingness to work with the Association through personal involvement and/or financial support of the Association.

c.         No efforts are made towards personal or financial gain through their membership in the Association.


Every member of the Association is entitled to vote at all elections, provided the member is present.


Emeritus Member is an honorary member designation to recognize long time and outstanding service to the ORRC Association through their voluntary works and accomplishments which has been recognized by the Association Trustees.


Membership will be terminated in the following ways:

            a.         Death of the member;

            b.         Exclusive action by this Association;

            d.         At the request of the member.


The Trustees shall be members of the Association.

The governing body of this Association will be composed of a Board of not more than eleven (11) Trustees, elected by the members present at the Annual Homecoming Picnic to be held on the second Sunday of June each year.  The Chairperson of the Board of Trustees will vote to break a tie on all matters to come before the Board.  The Trustees will be nominated by a Nominating Committee appointed by the current Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.

Trustees will be nominated by the sitting Board of Trustees and elected by a majority vote of the members at the annual Picnic and Reunion.  The Board of Trustees will determine if the nominee is qualified to serve and who has volunteered to be a working member of the Board. Trustee terms will be for a

minimum of three years.  Upon completion of the election, the Trustees will elect a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson at their next meeting.

The Chairperson is responsible for leading the Association to function in a manner to achieve the objectives of the Association.

The Chairperson shall be responsible for calling special meetings and receiving requests from members for special called meetings and serve as moderator for all meetings.

The Trustees shall hold in trust all Association property.  They shall have no right to buy, sell, or dispose of property belonging to the Association, or act for the Association in any way except upon express authorization of the members.  The Trustees shall, upon the direction of the members, execute all deeds, deed of trusts, mortgages, bonds, promissory notes, releases, and any and all other necessary legal papers in the name of the Association.


The Trustees shall call or employ such staff as the Association may need.

The Secretary/Treasurer will be chosen by the Board of Trustees to serve at their pleasure until replaced.  The Secretary/Treasurer duties shall be as follows:

a.         Keep a record of all actions of the Association, except as otherwise herein provided.

b.         Responsible for keeping a register of the names and addresses of all members.

c.         Will receive, preserve, and pay out upon receipt of approved bills, all moneys or things of value paid or given to the Association, keeping at all times an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements.

d.         It is the duty of the Secretary/Treasurer to render to the Association at each regular business meeting an itemized report of the receipts and disbursements since the last regular business meeting.  The Board of Trustees shall review and approve current financial records during each Trustee meeting.  These reports will be kept as a permanent record of the Association.

e.         Receive and keep a record of all donations given in memory of the deceased, also acknowledge receipt by notifying the donor and the deceased family.



Regular business meetings shall be held the first Saturday of March, May and August of each year.  Any business to be considered should be presented in writing to the Trustees prior to the business meeting.  Business not on the agenda can be discussed and voted on if all Trustees are present.  If any Trustee is not present, the matter will be voted on at the next regular meeting unless the Trustee not present has given another Trustee a proxy to vote in his or her place; under those conditions, the matter can be voted on.


Emergency actions can be taken when necessary by telephone, text or email contact with the Trustees by the Chairperson; if the Chairperson is not available, then by the Vice-Chairperson.  Each Trustee must be contacted by telephone text or email for action to be taken.


A quorum consists of 50% of Trustees.  All matters discussed and voted on will be considered passed with a majority vote.


ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER, REVISED, is the authority for parliamentary rules of procedures for all business meetings of this Association.



a.         It is understood that membership in this Association involves financial and/or personal participation to support the Association and its causes.

b.         The Trustees are responsible to the Association for financial planning, promotion, and administration of the Association finances.


This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the members present and voting at the general meeting or specially called meeting for that purpose.


Committees will be appointed and serve at the pleasure of the Trustees.

Standing committees will be as listed below.


a.         Responsible for the care and maintenance of the cemetery, grounds and fences.  Ensure coordination and contact with the group providing cemetery mowing, trimming and falling tree limb removal.  Mowing normally occurs monthly March thru October each year with special mowing before funerals, if needed.  Also responsible to contract cutting of any dead trees.  Dead tree wood and debris has been routinely removed by our mowing group for their holiday bonfires.


The OLD RED ROCK CEMETERY, INC. was declared a historical site in 1996.  A historical marker has been placed on the cemetery grounds.

a.         Coordinate with the Bastrop County Historical Society in keeping our cemetery burial records up-to-date.

b.         Set up and maintain a storage system for all historical records.


            a.         Provide plot availability to those qualified and seeking a burial site;

            b.         Plan roadways in the cemetery for future access to the grave sites;

c.         Prepare and maintain a master record of all old and new grave sites and grave sites reserved by members for future burials in accordance with reservation policies established by the Trustees.

d.         No permanent fences allowed inside of the cemetery;

e.         Prohibit installation of curbing or borders, unless it is installed flush with the ground, to allow for mowing.

4.  Other Committees may be established by the Trustees as needed.

Presented to the Association Membership at the June 14, 2015 Membership Meeting and Homecoming Picnic and adopted.